Meereswellen, vorkommen von Magnesium

Why do we need magnesium?

Why do we need magnesium?

Magnesium is essential for our body. It plays a role in muscle contraction, heart rhythm, the nervous system, glucose balance and ensures strong bones and teeth. It helps us to cope better with stressful life situations!

Many other substances can only develop their effect if sufficient magnesium is available. If magnesium is lacking, other minerals such as calcium cannot be utilized by the body. The mineral plays an important role in our energy balance and in more than 325 known enzymatic processes. Like water and oxygen, the human body needs magnesium every day, although it does not have a suitable system for buffering this substance.

How does magnesium deficiency arise?

There are a number of different reasons for low magnesium levels in the body. One of the main reasons for a lack of magnesium is diet. Magnesium deficiency often occurs with an unbalanced diet. The same effect occurs with diets. But even with a balanced diet, magnesium requirements are often difficult to meet.

Magnesium deficiency can also occur due to increased physical exertion, nervous tension and stress, as well as during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In addition, a deficiency can also occur in some diseases that can lead to increased excretion of magnesium. However, the mineral balance should be checked more frequently by a doctor, especially if there is a kidney problem or if diuretic medication is taken. Magnesium deficiency can also occur if the absorption function is impaired.

Young people and people over 50 in particular suffer from a magnesium deficiency. Children and seniors who eat little should eat foods with a particularly high magnesium content and consider taking MYHERO magnesium products.

A life without stress is no longer conceivable these days. Stress can affect us in many different ways: as a heavy burden in our everyday work life, as fear of exams, as demands at school or in training, or simply as a result of noise pollution.

All of these influences constantly gnaw at the psyche and often lead to worries and fears. And this in turn leads to an increased drain of magnesium from the body, caused by the increased release of stress hormones such as adrenaline.

Stress hormones actually have a useful property: they put the body into flight mode - a reflex that ensured the survival of early humans in prehistoric times. Adrenaline and the other stress hormones provide the body with additional energy reserves that are needed to flee from the wild animal.

Nowadays, however, flight is no longer the appropriate response to stressful situations. The result: the excess stress hormones remain unused in the body. In order to get rid of them, magnesium is needed, which removes the hormones from the body.

Short-term periods of stress can usually be compensated for naturally. However, if the stress and the associated psychological strains continue for a long time, a permanent magnesium deficiency in the body occurs. This effect works in two directions: stress causes an increased removal of magnesium, and the resulting undersupply means that stress can no longer be properly compensated for. A vicious circle that can only be broken by increasing magnesium intake.

How to combat magnesium deficiency:

If your health is intact, the magnesium deficiency can be partially covered by food intake. However, once a magnesium deficiency has occurred, replenishing the deficiency through food alone is very difficult, if it is even possible to do so. In this case, the most promising strategy is to correct the magnesium deficiency through the skin. The magnesium passes directly into your bloodstream through the skin.

Increasing problems falling asleep or nervousness that persists over longer periods of time also point in this direction. In such cases, taking magnesium supplements over a period of several weeks is usually the best way to quickly get the problem under control again.

In some situations in life, it may be sensible to increase magnesium intake as a precautionary measure, without waiting for the effects of deficiency symptoms. This is the case, for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or if you are exposed to a long period of increased pressure during which it is foreseeable that the stress level will increase. In such cases, a combined strategy of magnesium-rich food and the support of MYHERO magnesium products is advisable.

It is important to pay attention to the first warning signs. If tension or calf cramps occur repeatedly, you should seriously consider the possibility of a magnesium deficiency.

Why is magnesium useful through the skin?

MYHERO Magnesium Oil Spray and Gel are made by Zechstein Inside® with the world's purest and highest magnesium content without any additional additives. MYHERO Magnesium products have the advantage that the magnesium is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the skin and the body takes as much magnesium as it needs. The spray is absorbed immediately and leaves the skin feeling pleasant without being greasy.

Magnesium is a problematic substance when it comes to absorption in the intestine. Even an intact intestine with healthy intestinal flora only absorbs around 30 to 42 percent of the magnesium it ingests.

Not only athletes and pregnant women benefit from the external application, but also anyone who has difficulty tolerating magnesium orally, i.e. in the form of tablets, granules or liquid. A whole range of people therefore consciously avoid additional magnesium intake because side effects such as nausea, flatulence or diarrhea occur even with small doses. With MYHERO magnesium products, such problems are not to be feared because the digestive tract is bypassed. Finally, there is a new, healthy solution for providing yourself with additional magnesium.


Magnesium also plays a key role in determining how much vitamin D can be produced in our body. In addition, magnesium can also help regulate zinc levels in the body. Zinc helps our body absorb magnesium more efficiently. Magnesium also plays an important role in the absorption of calcium. Together with calcium, magnesium is responsible for the healthy development of bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium are minerals that belong together because only together can they fully develop their positive effect on the body. Magnesium is what ensures that the bone cells can absorb the necessary calcium. While calcium is responsible for tension in the muscles, magnesium enables relaxation.

In nature, we encounter the mineral primarily in the earth's crust, in salt water and as a building block of the green leaf pigment chlorophyll.

Magnesium has a preventive effect on:

  • depression
  • Headaches caused by tension
  • circulatory disorders
  • circulatory problems and heart attacks
  • stomach and intestinal cramps
  • kidney stone formation
  • muscle cramps
  • muscle twitching
  • stress
  • hyperactivity
  • lack of concentration
  • irritability
  • Inner restlessness
  • numbness in the hands and feet
  • diabetes
  • diseases with laxatives and diuretics
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

What do MYHERO Magnesium products do?

  • The body gets as much as it needs
  • Absorbs quickly and is non-greasy
  • Is involved in all metabolic processes
  • Coordinates the utilization of all other minerals
  • “Cleans” the vessels and prevents calcification
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol
  • Prevents blood clots
  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Relaxes blood vessels and tense muscles
  • Makes us resilient to stress
  • Calms our nervous system
  • Gives more concentration
  • Gives us energy, endurance and strength
  • Lets us sleep well
  • Helps with pain
  • Helps in the recovery of all diseases
  • Curbs the appetite for sweets
  • It promotes protein formation
  • It ensures soft and supple skin

Magnesium deficiency in focus: causes, symptoms and solutions:

Physical problems:

bones and teeth

The human body contains around 20-30 g of magnesium. The majority is found in our bones (around 60%) - and for good reason! Like calcium, magnesium is involved in the formation of bones and teeth and provides the necessary stability in these structures.

cell structure and cell division

Magnesium also provides support at the cellular level and regulates both the stability and permeability of the cell. Magnesium is also involved in cell division.

muscles and nerves

Tension... relaxation... - impossible without magnesium. The light metal not only causes our muscles to contract and relax, it is also essential for the smooth transmission of nerve impulses. But magnesium can also be used as a mood enhancer, as it plays a role in the production of the happiness hormone serotonin.

energy metabolism

Magnesium is not only a key element for muscles and nerves, but also in energy metabolism. After all, it is essential for all functions in our body that are related to energy processing and provision. For this reason, magnesium also acts as a freshener that helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium soothes and relaxes the skin


Magnesium in Sports

With external magnesium application, it is now possible for the first time to treat the problem directly where it is located. This means that you do not have to wait for the complicated absorption processes in the intestinal tract until the magnesium finally gets to where it is needed. No other means can resolve muscular problems as quickly and reliably as external magnesium application with MYHERO magnesium products.

The focus of external application is on the treatment of muscle cramps, tension and regeneration times. With external magnesium application, muscular problems can be resolved quickly and specifically. Sports doctors and physiotherapists have been working very successfully for some time with the external application of magnesium via the skin in both individual and team sports.


During pregnancy

The need for magnesium increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding. An inadequate supply of magnesium can lead to nausea, vomiting, night-time leg cramps, high blood pressure with reduced blood flow to the placenta and uterus. The supply of magnesium through the skin has proven particularly effective for this target group, because experience shows that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are reluctant to take anything. At the same time, this relieves the gastrointestinal tract and the effect is immediate in the case of muscle cramps in the legs or hardening of the abdomen.

Magnesium deficiency is particularly common in pregnant women. Signs include nausea, vomiting, water retention and high blood pressure. Magnesium supplements can reduce painful pre-labor contractions. Pregnant women should not take magnesium around the due date, however, as the pre-labor contractions could already be labor contractions.

It is advisable to involve your trusted doctor!

menstrual pain

When it comes to periods, people often forget that the uterus is also a large muscle that needs magnesium to function properly. While you don't notice much of it during the month, this organ begins its natural movement during menstruation to break down and expel the uterine lining. This is where magnesium comes into play: It ensures that the uterus can contract without problems. Magnesium also has an effect on mood, which can particularly reduce PMS.

Especially for children and young people

Not only adults, but also children need a certain amount of magnesium to stay healthy. For children, a sufficient intake of magnesium is particularly important, because only with this mineral is healthy physical and mental development possible.

Magnesium particularly promotes the ability to relax and concentrate and strengthens the immune system. Teeth and bones can grow well and remain healthy. Magnesium can also counteract inner restlessness and tiredness. Magnesium promotes mental development and enables healthy and restful sleep.

After operations

Magnesium absorption through the skin can be inhibited by a high intake of painkillers containing the active ingredient omeprazole. There are now studies and research showing that patients have a severe magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency should therefore be detected at an early stage, as it plays a major role in the development of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

In old age:

The ability to absorb also gradually decreases with age. Some people wonder why they are plagued by muscle cramps at night, even though they have taken magnesium orally for years. The explanation is quite simple: for various reasons, magnesium could not be absorbed in the intestine. For this group of people in particular, the external application of magnesium is a blessing and the solution to their problem.

Older people benefit particularly from this form of administration, because stomach acid production decreases more and more with age. However, stomach acid is necessary so that magnesium can be converted into its absorbable form and absorbed by the body. This is why the external application of magnesium is particularly popular with older people. Apart from the fact that oral intake of magnesium is of no use for acute complaints because it takes far too long for the magnesium to reach where it is needed, MYHERO Magnesium Oil can be applied directly to the painful area and has an immediate effect. This is why the external application of magnesium is a blessing and the solution to the problem, especially for this group of people.


An unhealthy diet, stress and a poor magnesium supply can increase the risk of developing depression or other mental illnesses. If there is too little magnesium in the body, the organism produces too few messenger substances that make you happy and content! Magnesium is a true friend of your body and helps you to get in a good mood! It can help with anxiety disorders and reduces stress! Magnesium gives you a healthy mind and mental strength!


Magnesium is essential for maintaining general health and well-being. Since the body cannot produce magnesium itself, external intake is very important to compensate for the resulting deficiencies. If the full supply cannot be achieved through food, the use of MYHERO Magnesium Oil and Gel is recommended, especially in special situations such as high physical demands, stress or illness. Magnesium heals body and mind!

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