Scientific studies

Yvonne Völk beim Yoga

Probiotics: Mechanisms and their role in the gut microbiome

Probiotics play a key role in gut health by supporting the balance of gut flora and strengthening the immune system. The study by Hill et al. (2014) provides insight into the mechanisms by which probiotics work and their health benefits. study overview The study examines the effects of probiotics on the gut microbiome and their potential health benefits. Title: Probiotics: Mechanisms of...
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VERISOL®: Improved skin elasticity and reduced wrinkle depth through specific collagen peptides

The skin is one of the first organs to show visible signs of aging. The study by Proksch et al. (2013) examines how VERISOL®, a special collagen peptide, can improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkle depth. study overview In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, the authors investigated the effect of daily intake of VERISOL® on skin physiology. Participants: Women aged 35 to...
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AIS study on TENDOFORTE®: Fast regeneration in Achilles tendinopathy

The health and strength of the tendons are essential for athletic performance and mobility. The AIS study on TENDOFORTE® provides impressive results on how specific collagen peptides support the healing and regeneration of the Achilles tendon. study overview The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) conducted a groundbreaking study investigating the effects of TENDOFORTE®, a specialised form of collagen peptides, on athletes with...
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