Ingredients Greens+ For Life

Yvonne Völk beim Yoga

Pineapple Fruit Powder: Natural Enzyme Miracle in Greens+ For Life

Pineapple fruit powder is an essential ingredient in Greens+ For Life and is known for its multiple health benefits. It contains the natural enzyme bromelain, which is particularly valued for its positive effects on digestion and the body's regeneration. Scientifically Proven Benefits of Pineapple Juice Powder Pineapple is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Bromelain in particular has been shown in numerous...
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Wheatgrass - The green power for your health

Wheatgrass is an essential component of Greens+ For Life and a real powerhouse for your health. It is one of the most nutrient-rich plants and offers an impressive abundance of vital substances that support the body in many ways. What makes wheatgrass so special? Wheatgrass is known for its high content of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Studies show that chlorophyll promotes...
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